Saturday, September 30, 2006
New Layout

Saturday Musings

Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday Musings
I don't have a ton to write about today. Things have been fairly quiet around here - just trying to spend as much time as possible with the twins and trying to feel better.
I did get a layout done tonight that I'm pretty excited about. I used Jen's Beautiful Day kit again and one of Keely's templates. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I've been wanting to do a page for the baby book that talks about each babies nicknames (well, the variety of names that Paul and I tend to call them, anyway). Here's Alex's layout. I'll be trying to get Meighan's done tomorrow and I'll post it when its done. Full credits can be found here.
Thanks for visiting. I promise to have more tomorrow and Sunday, including pictures. We'll be seeing my Dad, Nina, Elizabeth and Mimi and Papa on Sunday so I'm sure I'll have lots to say about our visit and pictures to share. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Wednesday Musings
Things have been fine here - everyone is getting back to normal and feeling better. I'm still coughing but I know from experience that it will take awhile to get it to go away completely.
Meighan and Alex are really testing us these days behaviorally. They are pushing the limits constantly to see what they can get away with. I know its normal but, boy, can it be frustrating. They seem to act out even more for me than anyone, for some reason. An example of what I mean is Alex's obsession with cutting the tv on and off even though he knows he's not allowed to play with the buttons on the tv. He'll walk over, look at me and slowly move his finger towards the button, waiting to see how I will react. He does this over and over and over. And, putting on his diaper has become a nightmare because he wants to be doing his thing all the time, not what he needs to be doing. He kicks and screams and cries in an effort to get out of it so he can play. Very irritating. We're working on getting control of it but it's not easy!
Well, that's it for me tonight. I'm going to go finish watching a tv show I started earlier and try to get to bed. More tomorrow!
I was tagged by Kim Hill so here goes ...
List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets.
1) I have two different colored eyes - one blue, one brown
2) I am obsessed with Hostess Chocolate Donuts. I have to force myself not to buy a box whenever I see them.
3) I hate leftovers (I generally don't like to eat the same thing two days in a row) and I'd prefer to eat at a restaurant over a home cooked meal any day!
4) I have to have 3 pillows - 2 under my head and one under my side. If I don't have 3, I can't sleep.
5) One of my 3 cats is always doing something weird so let's just say everything about them is weird!
NOTE TO SELF: I really am weird sometimes LOL
Now I have to tag 5 people, so I'm tagging:
1) Jen B.
2) Mikki
3) Kylie
4) Kat
5) Bretta
Monday, September 25, 2006
Monday Musings
I have a few pictures of the twins to share and a layout that I put together on Sunday while the kids napped. But, before I get to those, I just wanted to say that Alex is becoming quite the mimic. Yesterday he said all kinds of new words - Eagles, Brown Bear, Pizza, Green Beans, football (not new but very cute). Almost anything we said, he tried to say. So cute. Meighan isn't into mimicking - she'd prefer to just talk even if it is usally babbling that no one can understand. They really get frustrated when they tell us something and we can't grasp what they want. Most of their tantrums these days are a direct result of their inability to communicate with us the way that they want to. So, 'real' talking is just around the corner, I'm sure. They are getting so big! I'm having to move them into 18 month clothes now. Well, pants that size are still a bit big but we've definately moved into 18 month shirts and night outfits. I just can't believe how much they've grown over the last 18 months. It seems like yesterday that we were just hoping and praying that they'd get to 4 pounds so they could leave the NICU and come home with us! Time flies!
Well, here are the pictures and the layout ...

This is a layout I did of Sami - tried to keep it simple and focus on the word art. She's a beauty and it scares us to death! Luckily, she's as beautiful inside as she is outside!
Meighan and Alex have finally begun to show an interest in books (YEAH - I'm so excited since I love to read and want them to develop a love for it as well). However, I think I'm going to have to get them some new books because they love two in particular and I think we've read them at least a hundred times over the last week or two. Mommy SO needs some new reading material!
Apparently, Meighan and Alex have rediscovered their binky's and think it is hilarious to 'pretend' to be a baby and put it into their mouths. Just cracks them up! Interesting since neither of them were ever particularly interested in them as babies. Well, Alex did for a small time but it went by so quickly that I forget that he once liked a binky.
This is a familiar site in our house. Alex loves to climb and is constantly trying to get up on stuff. He loves the kitchen table and uses the chairs to get himself up on the 'forbidden' table on a regular basis. He loves to scale the couch, tables, chairs, dressers, and pretty much anything that looks like it would freak Mommy out to see him on it! He has no fear and rarely does more than scream out when he falls. However, this scaling is the primary reason that he has a ton of bruises at any given time!
Isn't she a cutie!?!? I just think this picture is adorable and wanted you to see it!
And, last but not least, here is Alex again. On the go, as usual. Too cute.
More tomorrow!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Saturday Musings
Alex seemed to feel pretty bad this morning - very fussy, nothing making him happy, whining a lot. He seemed better after naptime. Fever gone, a little less fussiness. By bedtime, he almost seemed like his old self - getting into everything, trying to climb on top of the dresser and just generally being a boy!
Meighan seemed okay until late morning and then she began getting a fever and wanting to just lay with me on the couch and cuddle. Which is definately not the norm for her. She seemed to feel a little better, then a little worse. Then, suddenly, right at bedtime she became lethargic and she was burning up with a fever (102.5) yet she was shivering from her fever. Poor girl. I just dressed her warmly, picked her up, wrapped her in a blanket and cuddled with her until bedtime. Gave her (and Alex) some Motrin and put them to bed. I don't like that fever so I'll be going in regularly to check on her.
I had no idea how hard it is to see your children sick before the twins came along. I'd assumed it would be no fun but it's so overwhelming to see them hurting or uncomfortable and basically be able to do nothing except hold them through it. I just hate it when they're sick and I can't make it go away.
All in all, our day was no fun. I got basically nothing done other than stuff around the house - dishes, laundry, made lunch, that sort of thing. No layouts done like I'd hoped I'd get done. I just didn't have it in me. Maybe I'll try to put something simple together tonight. We'll see. I'm not feeling particularly inspired at the moment. Maybe I'll take a shower - that usually makes me feel better. I only have a cough now but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I napped for 2 hours today while the twins napped but I still feel exhausted. I might just watch some tv that I have on the tivo from this week and head to bed early.
Just a quick note about the fall tv season. I'm obsessed with tv ... it's how I escape and this fall I'm already adding a ton of new shows to my tivo roster. Besides the usual Grey's Anatomy (my fav), LOST (another fave), The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, My Name is Earl, Nip/Tuck (my guilty pleasure), er, and Dancing with the Stars, I'm also now tivo'ing Men In Trees (LOVE this one), Kidnapped (so far so good), 6 Degrees (haven't watched it yet), Studio 69 (so far so good), Brothers & Sisters (hasn't aired yet), The Class (we'll see). I think that's everything. WOW! That's a lot of tv. I know that I'll weed out a few this year because I always do (or they get cancelled). But, seeing them all laid out like this makes me realize that I watch quite a bit tv. No wonder I love my tivo. And, this list doesn't even include the HBO shows that I love like Entourage, Big Love and Curb Your Enthusiasm. YIKES!
Anyway, I'm going to go watch the first episode of 6 Degrees while I fold more laundry (how in the world do 4 of us make so much darn dirty laundry!!!!) and wash another load of dishes (again, how in the world do we go through so many dishes in just one day!).
More tomorrow ... hopefully, we'll all be feeling better!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Friday Musings

Daddy squirting Alex with his bath toy. He loves to be squirted!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Wednesday Musings

Thanks for looking and checking in with us. I'll try to get a few more pictures of the babies up tomorrow. They are doing well. Getting so big and full of themselves. Meighan has really been testing us, discipline wise, but we're hanging in there. They are so adorable. I just can't get enough of them. More tomorrow ...
Monday, September 18, 2006
Monday Musings
Here is a layout that I did last night for the baby book. You can see the credits at my DST gallery. This one is about my inability to swaddle and how frustrating it was that swaddling came so easy to Paul. Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sunday Musings

Sami and Meighan on Saturday
Giggling together - noone makes Meighan giggle like Sami can!
My handsome little man - sorry about the red eyes, I'm too lazy to fix them tonight!

Here are two where Sami is making Paul pretty - it's definately every dad who'd say yes to playing hair dresser - again, another reason that I love him.
Alex just adores Sami - he'd be happy if she held him or sat near him at all times. He thinks she's so cool!
My boys ... I just adores these two!
Gosh, isn't this girl just the cutest?? She is so full of personality!
Here's our girl Sami - she's growing up into such a pretty girl. It scares the crap out of Paul. But, she is also very smart and has a good head on her shoulders. We're very proud of her.
Well, that's it for tonight. I'm off work tomorrow and planning to get the minivan serviced and clean my VERY messy closet.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Saturday Musings

Friday, September 15, 2006
Friday Musings

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Quote To Share
" ...but the biggest mistake I made is the one that most of us make while doing this. I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of the three on them sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages 6, 4, and 1. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in a hurry to get on to the next things: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less." - Anna Quindlen
Thursday Musings
Paul and I had a quiet night - we watched a movie that we tivo'd ages ago and just got around to watching. It was nice to just hang out together - we don't do it enough these days.
Here are a couple of pictures of Meighan and Alex in the bath tonight. So very cute! They were having a great time playing together.
That's all I have for today. I'm going to go change the cat litter and head to bed to read a book!
I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to share over the weekend since Sami will be here and I always take a ton of pictures when she's with us!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Wednesday Musings
I did a page tonight using this incredibly cute Hey Diddle kit that Mikki Livanos (whose creative team I'm on) has up for sale at Plain Digital Wrapper. Very cute and unique! This one is an Alex page with the cutest picture of him sound asleep. I don't get many of those since he is rarely still sleeping when I make it to his room in the morning. Isn't he adorable!? You can see full credits for the layout at DST.

That's it for me tonight. I'll be back tomorrow and I'll try to show more beautiful pictures of Meighan and Alex!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Tuesday Musings
Well, thanks for listening to me rant about work. I'm sure it will get better. I hope so. Gotta get to bed ...
Monday, September 11, 2006
Monday Musings

This is my current favorite picture of them ... kissing each other because they love each other so much. We've tried to teach them to kiss instead of hitting and for the most part it's working. It's a work in progress but they do love each other and we see lots of kisses. I love that I captured this sweet moment between them. Very cute!
And now for the other side of the sibling coin ...
Although they love each other, they also LOVE to antagonize one another. Meighan decided to use Alex's toy as a way to get up on the sofa and he was NOT happy about it. He screamed bloody murder until she left 'his' stuff alone.
Here is a picture of my very funny girl ...
She is such a ham - she loves making funny faces and making people laugh. This is her current favorite face - a scrunched up face with a huge grin! She also loves to watch herself make faces in the mirror. Such a funny girl!
And here's my little man ... so very serious here. He can be hilarious too but its easy to forget that since he has a tendency towards seriousness and getting intensely focused on things. He's notorious for spending a long time just trying to figure out how to get a top onto a bottle. I love that he can be so serious.
Meighan and Alex are learning all kinds of new things such as how to feed themselves with a fork and spoon. They are coming along pretty well although if they're really hungry, they sometimes give up silverware in favor of their much faster hands. It's so much fun to watch them explore the world and learn new things.
I just adore these two little ones ... they've made my life so much better than I could ever have imagined. They have made me a better person. I'm so glad to know them and be able to love them. Okay, enough gushy stuff. Here's one last picture for tonight.
Isn't he adorable? We'd like to be able to say that he is pointing out that the Eagles are #1 since this picture was taken during the Eagles game yesterday. But, if we're honest, he's probably pointing to the ceiling and saying "What's That?" which he says almost constantly these days. Very curious, our Alex!
Well, that's it for me tonight. I'm tired. I was going to try to get a page done tonight but I'm just not up to it. I need to do a layout for the Digi Dare Ya challenge but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I need to rest. I have several movies on our tivo so maybe I'll go catch a movie. Have a great night!