Credits: Miss Tiina’s fantastic Sweet Tweets kit
Using some of Miss Tiina's goodies! I've been really doing quite a few no photo layouts in my effort to focus on the STORY and get those stories into our scrapbooks regardless of whether or not I have photos!
Wow! I am soooo excited about being a part of Sarah Bennett's Creative Team. I think she's an amazing designer. She's now exclusively over at Scrap Matters and she has some amazing kits over there.
Credits: Miss Tiina's Low Key kit
This layout was one of the last I did before FPD changed ownership. I'm still part of the CT there (and I LOVE IT!). Have you checked out the brand spankin' new FPD??? If not, get yourself over there! Amazing stuff happening over there and its wonderful to see what Michelle has done with the store!
Credits:Taste of Provence by By Becca, Strips n' Pieces Templates Vol 2 by Sahlin Studio and Get Real - Realistic Drop Shadow Styles by Jennifer Barrette
This was my first official layout at Scrap Matters - all about a wine party that Carmen threw when I first arrived in St. Louis. I'd been waiting to find the 'right' kit for the photos (which by the way are not very good but I worked with what I had!) and By Becca's Taste of Provence kit was PERFECT!
Credits: Sarah Bennett’s Pretty Little Lady kit & Tania Shaw’s Layered Up Vol 4 templates
Here is another one using one of Sarah's beautiful kits! I don't believe she has it up at SM just yet ...
Credits: Love Blooms by Jennifer Barrette and Get Real - Realistic Drop Shadow Styles by Jennifer Barrette
This is a layout created for one of the SM challenges and its a new favorite. Isn't this kit amazing!?!?!
Credits: Happy Go Lucky by Jennifer Barrette and "Be inspired - Bexy" templates by WM[squared] Designs
This is one of my all-time favorite photos of Elizabeth when she was a baby and this kit was perfect for showcasing it.
Credits: Spunky Monkey by Sarah Bennett
Another of Sarah's amazing kits ... this one is so fun and different! This layout tells the story of Meighan cutting her hair and needing to get a new hair do!
I'm still doing Weight Watchers but its been a roller coaster ride for me. I did this page on a week when I wasn't having an easy time sticking to the program and needed to remind myself why I'm doing this!!! I think I'll be doing these periodically, to capture the story of my journey in our scrapbooks!
Credits: You Got a Friend Kit and the You Got a Friend Add-On at Sweet Shoppe Designs
I was so excited when MandaBean came out with a Toy Story oriented kit! It was perfect for all of my Alex photos ...
Credits: New Beginnings Collab Kit by the MScraps designers & Family Word Art by Just Joyce Designs
I came across this amazing photo of my grandmother and my sister at my college graduation back in 1997 and I had to scrap it. I miss her ...
Credits: Sprite by Britt-ish Designs, Inspired by Amanda Template by Britt-ish Designs and Edge 2 Edge: Songs by Britt-ish Designs
I had to document the fact that I sang this song to the twins almost constantly until, well, now. In fact, I still sing it to them on occasion! When they stop long enough for me to sing to them!!!
Credits: Shabby Spring by Valorie Brown at Mscraps
How can one not love every single thing that Valorie Brown releases??? I'm so happy to be a part of her team. She's an amazing designer and an all around wonderful person!
Credits:Sprout by Valorie Brown at Mscraps
Credits: Dream, Wish & Believe by MandaBean & Dream, Wish & Believe Scramble by MandaBean
Credits: Feeling Moments by Pri Rocha
I am in LOVE with my new NOOK!!!!! It's my favorite new thing and I love love love it!
Credits: 3/16 TT Template by Connie Prince & Vibrant Memories by Pri Rocha
Celebrating the fun that is Alex's funny faces! LOL
Another Sarah Bennett kit!!!! And boy is it a GREAT one! This is one of my favorite boy kits of all time!
Credits: Summer Sun by Siamese Studio
Our beautiful, smart and amazing Sami! I love how the orange really makes her eyes POP! This is a kit by one of the new designers over at FPD who is blowing my socks off! GO CHECK OUT THE NEW FPD!!!
Credits: Boys Will Be Boys by Shanmomto4 Designs, Delightful Doubles by Jaclyn Bernardo Designs, Embossible Alpha by Jennilyn Designs
More new FPD STUFF ... WOW! I love this kit and it was perfect for this layout about Alex playing Lasers with Daddy!
All about me and Steph! And this is a kit from one of the guest designers over at FPD this month!!!
Credits:Where The Heart Blooms by Erica Zane and a template by Ali Edwards
I just ADORE this photo of my grandparents at my wedding. I've been missing them a lot, in part because the kids are asking me a lot about them. As I talk about them, I feel the need to document that story in this layout!
Credits: Go! Fight! Win! BLUE by Chelle's Creations, Love to Cheer - Orange/Blue by GG Digital Designs, Love to Cheer Word Bits - Orange/Blue by GG Digital Designs, Be Inspired - Bexy - Templates by WM Squared Designs
Do you have a cheerleader in your family? Then, head to ScrapMatters - they have a TON of great stuff to scrap those cheer pages!
Credits: Tweet! Tweet! by Misty O'Brien, Tweet! Tweet! Add On by Misty O'Brien, Line Doodles by Tracey Monette
This is a page I did for this week's FPD Blog Challenge! It's a paper to digi challenge where I lifted one of Shannon Tidwell's paper layouts! There will be a new challenge posted every week to the FPD blog. And you can WIN gift certificates to the store!!!
Credits: Mother Nature - a Funky Playground Designs Collaboration & Paper Stackers: Rounded by Jaclyn Bernardo
Have you seen the FPD April Collab kit???? It's AMAZING! RUN to the shop to pick it up. It's so wonderful!
Credits: Flutterby by Litabells Designs & BZB Designs (at Elemental Scraps)
I'm a brand new member of BZB Designs CT and I'm so excited! Brynn is extremely talented! Look at this kit!!!
Credits: All Squared Away Template Set by Denise Beatty Originals & Eat Your Veggies by Denise Beatty Originals and Erika Zane

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