No excuses this time - I've been a terrible blogger but I'm going to catch you up right now! I've been crazy busy with work which has made it difficult for me to find the time to blog as regularly as I'd like.
Okay, first up ... BIRTHDAYS! Yes, my babies are now officially FIVE! I can't believe how fast the last five years have gone. It feels like yesterday that they were born and we were getting no sleep. And, now they are these little people who amaze me every single day! We've been taking them to get all their check ups and shots and what not to get them ready for kindergarten. I finally enrolled them last week (sob) and it's very scary for me!!! I'm so excited for them but scared for them (and me) at the same time. They will be going to Kindergarten summer school starting in June to get ready for school and begin to see what school will be like for them come August. Very exciting times for us!
But, first, let's talk about the 5th birthday! It was a fun one for all of us! I have lots of photos to share. We began the birthday bonanza with a hair cut for Meighan (she cut her hair awhile back with SAFETY scissors (UGGH) and I was going to try to let it just grow in by itself but it was looking worse and worse). So, she has a new do! Then, we had a special birthday morning surprise for the kids ... they woke up to FIVE balloons in each of their rooms (Transformers & 4 blue balloons for Alex and Hannah Montana & 4 pink balloons for Meighan). They thought that was SO cool! We followed that with breakfast cupcakes and presents which were a big hit! Here are a few photos ...
Here is the new hairdo that Meighan is sportin'
Birthday morning fun!
But our big birthday plans involved a trip to Kentucky to see Grandma, Grandpa AND SAMI!!!! We were all so excited that we could barely wait for the weekend to arrive! Paul and the kids picked me up from work and we headed out on Friday night, driving to Lexington, KY to check into our hotel for the weekend and wait for the rest of the family to arrive on Saturday. We had a great weekend. It was heaven to see Sami. We've missed her more than I can express here. Having her with us gave us a feeling of completeness that we only feel when she's with us! It was fantastic. Grandma, Grandpa and Sami had big plans for the birthday celebration. They decorated their hotel room for the kids and Grandma made cupcakes! We ate, we shopped, we hung out and we just generally enjoyed one another's company! It was a great weekend. Very hard to say goodbye on Sunday. Alex went home with his Grandma and Grandpa for a two week visit which was hard for us. And, Sami headed back home to West Virginia and we were all pretty upset to have to say goodbye yet again. We can't wait for the summer when we'll have an entire MONTH with her. We miss her so ...Here are some photos from our time in Kentucky!
Daddy did Alex's hair in spikes for the drive to Kentucky. He thought he was super cool!
Grandma & Grandpa (with Sami's help) got the room ready & then called in the rest of us ...
My Toy Story obsessed little guy was over the moon about his birthday presents!
Meighan was VERY excited with her Play-Doh Ice Cream Maker!!!!
Grandma - cute as ever!
And, Paul had a birthday coming up (March 12) so, Grandma and Grandpa got him the perfect gift!
Sami got the exciting job of helping Meighan put together her new baby crib
(okay, Meighan didn't help much - Sami did ALL the heavy lifting!!)
Our three very beautiful, very smart, very cool kiddos! We couldn't be more proud of all three of them!
That is it for now! We had a great time celebrating the kids' fifth birthdays! Back soon with more updates!

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