Saturday, January 10, 2009

Project 365 - Days 7-10


My new winter coat. I was getting tired of having everyone who I spoke to in St. Louis shame me about not having a winter coat. So, I went and found a nice coat that will keep me warm and that I can respectably wear to work. YAY me!


And I got me some snow boots to go with my recent new winter coat purchase. Less than 30 bucks, they don't look like snow boots but they are waterproof & keep my feet warm. WOO HOO!


Our Alex is not much of an eater. If it's not a blueberry breakfast bar or a corn dog/hot dog, it's tough to get him to eat it. Occasionally, he has a good night and eats like a fiend. This one one such night & of course we had Hamburger Helper rather than something healthy! uggg. You can't win!


One of the many book shelves in our house. I'm a HUGE reader and always make sure our kiddos have PLENTY of books waiting for them when they want to read. NOTE TO SELF: Go through and organize the messy bookshelves!

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