Saturday, January 09, 2010

Saturday Musings

It's been a fairly crazy week for me so I don't have a ton to share. I spent a day in Charlotte, NC for a work meeting which was interesting. It's been awhile since I've been to Charlotte and I had yet to see the Wells Fargo facility downtown. So, it was nice to check it out again. Charlotte is definitely where I think our family might want to land eventually. I can stay with the company, get us back to the East Coast, and be closer to SAMI, my mom and my dad. Good all around!

After I returned, we got quite a bit of snow here in St. Louis which was nice for about two seconds. Now its just messy!!!!  Worst of all, it's been soooo cold here - as low as ZERO degrees today. I'm already sick of winter and its not even mid-January. The cold winters are one thing I cannot stand about St. Louis and I love winter!!! I just can't take the cold - maybe I'm getting old!

Work itself has been crazy - I have three high profile projects that are all gearing up at the same time, making me a busy Project Manager!  By yesterday, I was so exhausted and in need of some relaxation. So, I've been trying to do just that - RELAX! Reading, hanging with the kids, getting some design work done. Anything but working. Well, that's not true since I'm still fielding emails about a presentation we have to have ready for one of my projects by 8 a.m. on Monday. But, overall, I'm trying to limit the working.

That's really all that I have to report. It's been busy and chaotic. I haven't taken any photos this week - just haven't had time or the inclination to do it. I'll try and do better with that next week!

I'll leave you with a few new layouts from recent weeks ...


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