I'm doing well. Things at work have been really busy - I have 3 major projects going right now so I'm running full speed ahead at all times. I have two fairly big projects that have a lot of pieces and parts which has been fun but really challenging! So, work is crazy (in a good way)! So crazy that they're getting me a blackberry so they can reach me at all times ... I think it will help me to be productive but I also think it will keep me working much more than I'd like! I'm just happy to have a job, particularly one that I enjoy 90% of the time. I had my performance evaluation a couple of weeks ago and it was so good that I was a bit embarrassed. Performance evals where I work tend to not be so glowy. This one WAS glowy. Which made me proud of myself and the work I did last year while also feeling a bit shy and weird. Either way, I'm happy that they felt I had a good year. I worked hard and gave it my all. And, I learned a lot about myself and our business. So, overall, I'm really happy with that.
I joined Weight Watchers which has been a GREAT thing for me! I'm really trying to focus on taking care of myself this year and getting some control over my weight. I've already lost a few pounds and am definitely eating entirely different than I have in a long time. I'm eating more fruit and vegetables than I ever have in my LIFE. Once I get some weight off and feel more 'safe' with the eating right, I'll start exercising more which I know is key to my losing the weight. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. It's helping to have a lot of friends (on-line and in real life) who are focusing on the same thing so I'm getting lots of support and help along the way!
Funky Playground Designs announced that they will be closing their doors on March 1st which is really sad for me. I'm sorry that Corina and Traci had to make that decision but I know that they did what was best for them and their families. So, times are a changing. I've been a part of the FPD team for several years and then recently started designing in part because of how supportive Traci and Corina were of me and my designing venture. And this brings me to a bit of a crossroads in terms of what to do next. I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what my next step might be - will I continue designing or will I hang up my designer hat? I'm not sure where I'll end up or what I'll end up doing but I'll keep you posted. Whatever happens, I had some fantastic times at FPD and will miss it and all of the friends I've made there!
In other digi news, my friend Valorie Brown is designing again!!!! YAY! I was sooo sad when she announced that she was retiring. I've been on her CT for awhile and think she's a fantastic designer AND a fantastic person. So, you can now find her designs at Memory Scraps which is an incredible new digital store!
The kids are doing great. They are getting so big! I can't quite believe that they're almost FIVE! They will be starting SCHOOL this year! It's been a crazy, wonderful, insane, awesome five years! They are very smart, very cute and full of trouble! And we are loving our wild and crazy life surrounded by almost five year olds! In a few weeks, we'll be spending their birthday weekend in Kentucky with Grandma and Grandpa! It'll be fun to get away for a bit and to see Grandma & Grandpa! We miss them so much! Alex is planning to head back to Richmond with them for a week or two like Meighan did back in the summer. I know he'll have a blast but we'll miss him a lot! Meighan will get lots of Mommy and Daddy time!
I've been doing lots of reading - have you checked out my book blog yet? If not, give it a shot! If you like to read, you might find some new and interesting books to read. Or even find out which books to avoid like the plague! I've been doing a huge reading challenge so I'm spending a lot of my free time trying to rack up the books for the challenge. So far, I've read 53 books for the challenge since it began on December 1st. In order to complete the entire challenge, I have another 28 books to read by the end of February. I doubt I'll be able to do that but I'm going to try!
Well, here are a few pages that I created since my last posting ... this will give you some sense of what we've been up to ...
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day! I think we'll all be heading out to see a movie - probably Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightening Thief. The kids have seen the commercials and keep asking to go see it. And, Paul and I both think it looks fantastic! So, that's probably how we'll spend our Valentine's Day - as a family! Have a great one!

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