New Kids on the Block headed back to St. Louis on July 1st and we couldn't resist heading to the show again (yes, I know that we just saw them back in the fall). It was so much fun to have a night out with the girls ... revisiting the 90s and having a blast. We also decided to stay the night at Harrah's which is right next to the venue. So, I made my first visit to a casino that night which was fun & different. We had a blast ...
Here's me and Steph -
Jesse McCartney opened the show. I must be old but I had no idea who he was LOL
Nicole and Danielle -
More of me and Steph -
Me, Steph and Nicole -
Michelle came a bit later and joined us - here she is with Steph -
All of us ...
We danced and danced and danced some more. Singing at the top of our lungs. Having a great time!
And then off to the casino - here I am playing my first slots - I didn't win much but it was fun to give it a shot. Steph was able to snap a quick photo before the security guard told us no cameras allowed in the casino - hee hee
Me and Steph in our hotel room the morning after the fun .... on our way to breakfast with Nicole and Danielle. Then, we all had the day off work!
We had a fairly low key July 4th this year. Just us. We hung out most of the day, enjoying each others company. Later, we got in the car and headed to Chesterfield for fireworks. On the way, we grabbed a bunch of drinks & some KitKats to snack on ... Then, we found a parking spot and watched the fireworks. The kids really enjoyed the show!
Here's our Sami - isn't she beautiful?
Meighan getting tickled ... by her favorite person in the world - SAMI!
Some fireworks shots ... I didn't get as many as I'd hoped but I think they are pretty good given that I didn't have a tripod with me!
Meighan was upset that we wouldn't let her run into the street to play. So, she pouted and had a bit of a "Meighan fit."
Our handsome boy who tends to not be a fan of loud noises, really enjoyed the show despite the sound. The KitKat smoothed the way ...
I hope you and your families had a fantastic July 4th!
We spent an afternoon at a local park (Faust Park) and the kids had a BLAST. The park is beautiful and the playground is amazing! Alex spent most of the time climbing, climbing and climbing. Meighan ran willy nilly all over the place, trying everything out. And, Sami just tried to keep up with them.
As you can see, Sami is here ... spending the next month with us. We are loving the fact that all of our kiddos are here with us ... The kids are loving having their big sister here to play with ...
Here are some photos from our visit to the playground at Faust Park ...
The kids are LOVING that they can get outside again & have fun! They are having a blast, enjoying the great weather. Popsicles are a favorite treat as they play on their bikes.
Alex insisted on trying to tell Meighan what she could and could not do on her bike. He blocked her in ...
She got away ... and biked off -
And Alex was NOT happy that she thwarted his plan ...